One Shot at a Time…


A pink bat and black bat with green bats on them.

Dear Frankly Friends,

Welcome to my new Frankly Golf! section of the website. For many months now I have been trying to find the best way to express myself, to communicate with you as me not us

This process has required turning inward and searching for the answers, which are not always obvious, but when you find the correct answer it is so simple you can’t understand why it took so long.

I have decided that I would like to share with you my adventure as a woman in golf, running my own golf business and my efforts to play golf to the best of my ability.

In the process I hope it helps you with tips to help and develop your game, ideas, thoughts and maybe even some inspiration, as I continue to fulfil our mission of helping golfers!

I am sorry it won’t be the same as we all had before. Hopefully in my own way I can share Frank’s wisdom, his articles and the love that Frank and I have for putting, the game of golf and the amazing experience it provides us.

Frank used to say that golf was not a sport, it was a therapeutic activity. I can personally attest to that over the last several years, as it continues to help me heal and cope with my grief.

So, I invite you to join me on this journey. We will cover some very interesting territory and it’s not necessarily going to be smooth sailing but I do know Frank will be with us all the way. He always loved an adventure!

May the Frog Be With You,

Valerie x